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Region 7 Stats

Category: Written by APhA-ASP Region 7 / 11:49 PM

An insight into what Region 7 is doing well and what could use improvement - By Sydney Root

Hello Region 7! 

I asked the Region 7 Chapter Presidents about what organizations have been going well, and what, well... could use some improvement. Here are the stats: 

What Your Chapter Presidents Believed Were The MOST Successful APhA-ASP Organizations At Their Chapters:

APhA-ASP Organizations that Region 7 is best at: 
1. Operation Immunization
2. Operation Diabetes
3. Operation Heart / IPSF
4. Generation Rx
5. Operation Self Care / National Patient Counseling Competition 

I received a lot of great feedback about the amazing things that Region 7 has been accomplishing! Idaho State University and University of Washington recently had their Legislative Days at their State Capitols, where they raised awareness about pharmacy's role in patient care and encouraged legislators to support provider status for pharmacy in their state. University of Washington, University of Utah, and Oregon State University have been encouraging student health through events such as UW's 'Ride In The Rain Challenge,' which encouraged students to ride their bikes to school for a month, Oregon State had 'Breaking Down the MU,' which encouraged 'dancing toward personal health,' and University of Utah is planning a 5k that they will participate in this spring. Region 7 has also been having a lot of success with outreach events such as Idaho State's Spaghetti Feed/Make A Wish Fundraiser, and University of Montana's Mr. Pharmacy Competition. Great work, Region 7! 

 What Your Chapter Presidents Believed Were APhA-ASP Organizations That Could Use Improvement At Their Chapters:

APhA Organizations that Region 7 is could improve upon: 
1. Operation Self Care
3. Generation Rx
4. Operation Diabetes / National Patient Counseling Competition
5. Operation Heart 

Of the feedback I received, the biggest thing Region 7 has seemed to be struggling with across the board is receiving enough student involvement. Involvement in student organizations and outreach events is not only great for learning more about the field, getting hands on opportunities and making a difference in the community, but it also is a great way to remember why we pursued pharmacy in the first place. It can be hard to remember this when the stress of exams and the tediousness of studying begin to take their toll. 

So I am asking you, Region 7, what makes you want to be involved? What are some positive things that you have experienced from attending outreach events? In what ways can we be creative to receive more student outreach?! Comment below to give your ideas! 

Thank for sharing!

About The APhA-ASP

APhA-ASP Region 7

The American Pharmacist Association is the oldest and largest professional organization for pharmacists in the country. The Academy of Student Pharmacists is held within APhA and is comprised by student pharmacists throughout the nation who are still taking classes at their respective colleges of pharmacy. APhA-ASP puts a strong emphasis on patient care initiatives, advocacy for the profession, and overall training to become a professional in the field of pharmacy.